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星火计划2.0专项课:Apollo星火计划之PnC专项_Apollo精品课 (baidu.com)


1 参考线的作用

2 参考线的数据结构

2.1 ReferenceLine的数据结构 

2.2 ReferencePoint的数据结构

3 参考线处理流程

​4 参考线平滑算法

4.1 算法分类

4.2 参考线平滑算法流程

4.2.1 AnchorPoint

4.2.2 smooth

4.2.3 solve 

5 具体算法 

1 参考线的作用


  • Routing利用A*进行车道级别的规划
  • 再对每一个车道赋予参考线,最后得到了车道级别的参考线
  • 最后则是planning模块输出轨迹级别的规划结果

  • HD map一般都是人为采集离散点,也就使得原始路径不平滑
  • 同时全局导航的路径过长,障碍物的投影点也可能不唯一
  • 所以我们需要生成一个局部的一定长度且光滑的参考线,也节省了算力

2 参考线的数据结构

2.1 ReferenceLine的数据结构 

2.2 ReferencePoint的数据结构

3 参考线处理流程


  1. 生成参考线,这主要由Routing模块的输出决定
  2. 参考线平滑,接下来会详细讲解参考线的平滑的算法

4 参考线平滑算法

4.1 算法分类


  • 离散点平滑
  • 螺旋曲线平滑
  • 多项式平滑 
  if (smoother_config_.has_qp_spline()) {
    smoother_.reset(new QpSplineReferenceLineSmoother(smoother_config_));
  } else if (smoother_config_.has_spiral()) {
    smoother_.reset(new SpiralReferenceLineSmoother(smoother_config_));
  } else if (smoother_config_.has_discrete_points()) {
    smoother_.reset(new DiscretePointsReferenceLineSmoother(smoother_config_));
  } else {
    ACHECK(false) << "unknown smoother config "
                  << smoother_config_.DebugString();
  is_initialized_ = true;


4.2 参考线平滑算法流程

bool ReferenceLineProvider::SmoothReferenceLine(
    const ReferenceLine &raw_reference_line, ReferenceLine *reference_line) {
  if (!FLAGS_enable_smooth_reference_line) {
    *reference_line = raw_reference_line;
    return true;
  // generate anchor points:
  std::vector<AnchorPoint> anchor_points;
  GetAnchorPoints(raw_reference_line, &anchor_points);
  if (!smoother_->Smooth(raw_reference_line, reference_line)) {
    AERROR << "Failed to smooth reference line with anchor points";
    return false;
  if (!IsReferenceLineSmoothValid(raw_reference_line, *reference_line)) {
    AERROR << "The smoothed reference line error is too large";
    return false;
  return true;


4.2.1 AnchorPoint

struct AnchorPoint {
  common::PathPoint path_point;
  double lateral_bound = 0.0;
  double longitudinal_bound = 0.0;
  // enforce smoother to strictly follow this reference point
  bool enforced = false;


max_constraint_interval : 0.25
longitudinal_boundary_bound : 2.0
max_lateral_boundary_bound : 0.5
min_lateral_boundary_bound : 0.1
curb_shift : 0.2
lateral_buffer : 0.2


4.2.2 smooth

bool status = false;
  const auto& smoothing_method = config_.discrete_points().smoothing_method();
  std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> smoothed_point2d;
  switch (smoothing_method) {
    case DiscretePointsSmootherConfig::COS_THETA_SMOOTHING:
      status = CosThetaSmooth(raw_point2d, anchorpoints_lateralbound,
    case DiscretePointsSmootherConfig::FEM_POS_DEVIATION_SMOOTHING:
      status = FemPosSmooth(raw_point2d, anchorpoints_lateralbound,
      AERROR << "Smoother type not defined";
      return false;
  if (!status) {
    AERROR << "discrete_points reference line smoother fails";
    return false;
bool DiscretePointsReferenceLineSmoother::FemPosSmooth(
    const std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& raw_point2d,
    const std::vector<double>& bounds,
    std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>* ptr_smoothed_point2d) {
  const auto& fem_pos_config =
  FemPosDeviationSmoother smoother(fem_pos_config);
  // box contraints on pos are used in fem pos smoother, thus shrink the
  // bounds by 1.0 / sqrt(2.0)
  // 裕度收缩
  std::vector<double> box_bounds = bounds;
  const double box_ratio = 1.0 / std::sqrt(2.0);
  for (auto& bound : box_bounds) {
    bound *= box_ratio;
  std::vector<double> opt_x;
  std::vector<double> opt_y;
  // 问题求解
  bool status = smoother.Solve(raw_point2d, box_bounds, &opt_x, &opt_y);
  if (!status) {
    AERROR << "Fem Pos reference line smoothing failed";
    return false;
  if (opt_x.size() < 2 || opt_y.size() < 2) {
    AERROR << "Return by fem pos smoother is wrong. Size smaller than 2 ";
    return false;

4.2.3 solve 

bool FemPosDeviationSmoother::Solve(
    const std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& raw_point2d,
    const std::vector<double>& bounds, std::vector<double>* opt_x,
    std::vector<double>* opt_y) {
   // 考虑曲率约束
  if (config_.apply_curvature_constraint()) {
    if (config_.use_sqp()) {
      // 线性求解
      return SqpWithOsqp(raw_point2d, bounds, opt_x, opt_y);
    } else {
     // 非线性求解
      return NlpWithIpopt(raw_point2d, bounds, opt_x, opt_y);
  // 不考虑曲率约束 
    // 线性求解(默认)
    return QpWithOsqp(raw_point2d, bounds, opt_x, opt_y);
  return true;

5 具体算法 


  • 曲线平滑度
  • 曲线长度
  • 点与参考点的误差


  • FemPosSmooth相对不精准,但是只需用二次规划能快速求解
  • CosThetaSmooth相对精准,但是需要非线性规划,计算量大 


  • 位置约束保证离散点相对于原来的不过于偏离
  • 曲率约束使得参考线曲率尽量符合车辆运动学约束,易于跟踪